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Swimming During the Pandemic
The Nadadores are swimming under City of Miami mandated COVID restrictions at the Hadley Pool (4800 NW 12th Street)
The rules we have agreed to, and must follow if we wish to continue to swim in City facilities, are extensive, but doable. Essentially, they minimize contact between team members and pool staff and go a long way to protecting us from transmitting the virus to one another. We are, to say the least, a social group, and these rules are not fun, but they are what we’ve got until this pandemic passes. Anyone who does not comply will have to leave the facility.
To swim, you must be signed up as a NAD. There will be no swim package fees charged for the month of December.
The rules include:
We will swim in six lanes with only two swimmers per lane, each at opposite ends of the 25-yard pool. The lanes will be split – no circle swimming.
You may not talk with the swimmers in the lanes to the left and right of you (this is the hardest rule of all).
We will swim between 6:30PM-8:00PM in one shift on Tuesdays and Thursday, and 10AM-12PM on Saturdays, in two 50-minute shifts:
· Tuesday & Thursday: 6:30PM-8:00PM
· Saturday Shift 1: 10AM-10:50AM
· Saturday Shift 2: 11AM-11:50AM
The 10 minutes at the end of each session on Saturday will be used to enter and move immediately to an assigned lane, and afterward, to rapidly exit the pool and pool deck. You may only sign up for one shift on Saturday.
No more than 12 swimmers will be permitted per session.
Nadadores has an automated sign up system in place that requires all swimmers to reserve their place for each date. In order to complete your reservation, all members will be required to enter their email and cell phone number in case later contact tracing is necessary, and to otherwise communicate with all participants, by phone, text and/or email, when necessary. Follow up emails or texts will be sent to each participant reminding them of the rules and procedures outlined here (and any other guidance we receive from the City now or in the future).
The Coach for each session will be the sole person allowed to stay on the pool deck during the practice. He will have access to the sign-up list before the session and will assign each swimmer a lane and side of the pool based on their swim speeds to ensure swimmers will be able to easily keep their distance from one another during the sets. Lanes will be split to further avoid possible contact.
Swimmers will be required to use the hand sanitizer the pool provides upon entering the pool facility.
Swimmers will also submit to temperature checks administered by the pool staff. Anyone with a fever will be denied entry to the pool facility.
All swimmers will wear face masks upon entering the facility removing them only immediately prior to entering the pool and putting them back on immediately upon getting out.
No swimmer may get closer than 6 feet from anyone else on the pool deck.
Athletes will not be allowed to use the changing room or showers and will arrive and leave with their swimsuits on.
Only one swimmer at a time will be allowed to use the toilet.
Drinking fountains and other public areas will be off limits to our athletes.
Athletes will have to bring their own water bottles and training equipment and will not be allowed to share either with their fellow swimmers.
No food will be allowed in the facility.
Each athlete will have their own disrobing and clothing storage area on the pool deck, which will be at least 6 feet apart from any other.
Swimmers or coaches exhibiting coughing or sneezing will not be allowed to enter the facility.
No spectators will be allowed into the facility.
Yes, this is a lot, and it will not all go smoothly from the get-go. We are learning how to make this work, and we’re all going to have to be patient and figure out together how to make it happen.
For now, remember:
1. Don’t come if you’re not signed up for a shift. If the shift is full, you have to sign up for another. If you can’t make your shift, CANCEL so someone else can take your place.
2. No socializing – go to your lane and get in the pool.
3. Don’t talk with the swimmers to your left and right.
4. Split the lane – no circle swimming.
5. The Coach is boss. Do as he says.
6. When we’re done, leave as soon as possible. If you’re going to chat, do it in the parking lot – with a mask and at a safe distance.
Now, make sure you’re USMS membership is up to date, and that you renew before the end of the year. In fact, DO IT NOW here.
Then, sign up for your first shifts by clicking the button below. We will be releasing the next week’s shift for sign up on the weekend.
We’re all in this together, so EVERYONE IN THE POOL!
Note: We're back at the Hadley Pool, 4800 NW 12 Ave, Miami!